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                             Infrequently / low use outlets


Bacteria will accumulate in stagnant water and without proper design and maintenance regimes such as weekly flushing, cleaning, and disinfection, will present a risk.


During the Covid-19 pandemic most buildings have been closed and therefore all outlets have not been used for several weeks, current guidance from the Legionella Control Association (LCA) recommends all cold outlets to be flushed for 5 minutes with all hot water outlet sources to be thermally increased to as high as possible and flushed through the hot water outlets for 5 minutes.

This task should be completed 4 days prior to the buildings re-opening and then again, the day before the building officially re-opens.

Please note if shower heads cannot be removed as per the British Standard BS:7592 Sampling for Legionella bacteria in water systems, attach a plastic bag to the shower head, cut a small hole on any bottom corner and sample from this point.  This will greatly reduce the exposure to the person taking the sample. 

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